Laura and her classmates have been looking forward to their senior camping trip for weeks. Three days on an island paradise, away from school and their parents. What more could they ask for?
The camping trip starts out well enough. The island is scenic and just the kind of escape to nature that Laura had hoped for. However, cracks soon begin to appear in her plans. Her boyfriend ditches her to hang out with his friends. She has to share a room with one of the teachers. But those are the least of her worries. A student disappears, and no one can find him. Soon, Laura and the other students realize that the camping trip is anything but a dream vacation. There’s something else on the island. Something large and frightening. Something that lurks unseen beneath the earth. Something that welcomes the presence of the students because they will satisfy its appetite My Thoughts
Allow me to begin this review by saying that I loved Beneath The Earth. Having read All That Remains Of Me (another fantastic novel by H.S. Stone) I held a fairly high bar where Stone's writing is concerned before I even considered reading Beneath The Earth. So, I wasn't surprised when I found myself binge reading the book in my spare time and being whisked into a fictional land of monsters and drama. I was surprised however, when I finished the book and found myself less than thrilled with the ending. Let me explain...
The novel revolves around a senior in high school, Laura as she faces off a monster that is pure nightmare fuel whilst trying to resolve an ongoing love triangle. Both themes by themselves make for an amazing novel but I found that the presumed romance in Laura's head left little room for her to emotionally react to the horrors going on around her. I found my willing suspension of disbelief slowly dissolving into frustration towards the end. I just couldn't believe any young woman would put her casual high school boyfriend and her popularity before her survival or before the survival of her friends. However, Beneath The Earth sports many well written elements. Stone excellently taps into the horror of the unknown. I could feel my pulse rushing every time I felt that Laura and her friends were in danger. Horror fans will love this book. Or, if you’re like me and your new to the genre this is a good place to start. It’s a nice thriller if you want to sit back and just enjoy being scared but still have to wake up early tomorrow. I would likely recommend this to friends and family because I think that everyone should read something now and then that gets their blood pumping and this book is perfect for that. For a horror novel it is surprisingly age appropriate. Beneath The Earth relies on the fears in the backs of our minds like a classic horror story however doesn’t take these fears to an explicit or otherwise inappropriate level. All in all this is definitely a good way to introduce yourself or a friend to the genre of thrillers. About the Author
Even before he could read, H.S. Stone wanted to write a book. Fascinated by the stories that seemed to leap from his kindergarten teacher's books, he went home and wrote his own book, with illustrations and bound by staples. Of course, since he didn't know how to read or write yet, the book was full of gibberish.
Undaunted, H.S. eventually mastered the ABC's and continued to write throughout his grade school years, adolescence, and into adulthood. Despite earning a degree and working in a field not related to writing, he continued to pursue his writing passion. H.S. Stone's publications include novels aimed at Young Adult and Middle Grade readers as well as several short stories. He currently lives with his family in the San Francisco Bay Area. -Taken from Goodreads
Here is a very first look at my Alice in Wonderland inspired photoshoot. Follow the models!
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August 2023