First of all, thanks for looking at my site! Second whether you are an author, blogger or reader I would love to hear from you! If you are an author, blogger or company you can contact me using the form below. I would love to collaborate with anyone who is interested! If you are a reader or just want to chat you can contact me via Instagram, or in the comments on any of my posts.
Dear AuthorsIMPORTANT: If you have any questions feel free to contact me via the "Contact Me" box to the left.
Please include the following information if you are interested in a review. -Date you would like the review posted -Genre -Target Audience -Whether or not a physical copy is available Dear ArtistsIf you have any fan art I would love to see it! Please fill out the "Contact Me" box to the left and send me your amazing art! All fan art will be posted and credited as I update the site. ;)